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136 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:药物是一把双刃剑,其在治疗患者疾病的同时,也可能会给患者带来一定的不良反应。加强患者用药指导,提高患者用药依从性,保证患者用药疗效及用药安全性,是临床药师义不容辞的重要职责。

  • 标签: 药师 用药指导 用药依从性
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  • 简介:摘要:近年来,国家多部门鼓励中医药发展,人民保健意识的增强,中药材的需求不断增加,中药材的采收,生产加工,购销市场十分活跃,基本上保障了临床用药的需要,但由于中药材的品种来源复杂,采收、生产加工不规范,在市场购销中,客观存在以假乱真、以劣充忧、鱼目混珠的现象。加上有关部门管理不得力,一些经营者经营道德观念及业务素质较差,为了牟取暴利,故意使部分伪劣药品在市场上流通交易,这不仅损害了那些药材的使用单位,也给人民生命安全带来了极大的威胁,针对中药材真伪问题,只要掌握了中药材真伪品的性状区别要点就能保障临床用药安全有效,让中医中药事业发挥的更好,更有特长。

  • 标签: 中药材 性状 鉴别
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  • 简介:摘要目的:观察分析飞秒激光小切口角膜基质透镜取出术(SMILE)术中及术后并发症。方法:回顾性非随机病例研究。选取2015年3月至2019年10月在济南爱尔眼科医院行SMILE矫正且资料完整的患者4 386例(8 600眼),对术中、术后并发症的发生情况进行分析,并通过问卷调查的方式,进行视觉质量的研究。结果:术中244眼(2.84%)发生并发症,其中负压吸引环脱失12眼(0.14%),不透明气泡层(OBL)154眼(1.80%),微切口出血25眼(0.29%),寻找角膜基质透镜困难1眼(0.01%),非计划分离透镜33眼(0.38%),透镜残留4眼(0.04%),切口撕裂13眼(0.15%),扫描黑区2眼(0.02%)。术后并发症17眼(0.20%),其中早期弥漫性板层角膜炎8眼(0.09%),术后中期免疫性角膜炎9眼(0.10%)。术后3个月后过矫>0.75 D者26眼(0.30%),欠矫>0.75 D者1眼(0.01%);术后需二次增效手术者1眼(0.01%)。术后视觉质量异常主要为术后初期雾视、眩光、光晕,随着时间的推移均明显改善,术后6个月,99.30%的患者对手术的综合评价为非常满意。结论:SMILE治疗近视并发症少,未出现影响视力的严重并发症,但安全有效,患者满意度高。

  • 标签: 飞秒激光小切口角膜基质透镜取出术 并发症 手术技巧
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  • 简介:[摘要] 目的:分析右心室心肌梗死(RVMI)患者的护理方法和效果。方法:从2019年1月至2020年9月,来我院治疗的RVMI患者中选取8例。临床治疗期间,实施优质护理,观察治疗护理效果,评估心理状态和生活质量。结果:8例患者均治疗成功,护理满意率为87.50%;干预后患者的SAS评分明显降低,QOL评分明显增高,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对RVMI患者实施优质护理,能提高救治成功率,改善心理状态和生活质量。

  • 标签: RVMI 优质护理 生活质量 心理状态 满意度
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  • 简介:【摘要】目的:探究蒙药让阿嘎日-8用于哮喘患者治疗中疗效。方法:2020年3月-2021年3月,本院60例哮喘患者为样本,单纯西药治疗纳入对照组,西药+让阿嘎日-8治疗纳入治疗组,对比两组疗效。结果:治疗组疗效96.67%高于对照组80.00%,P<0.05;治疗组用力肺活量(FVC)、一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)及FVC/FEV1等通气功能指标均优于对照组,P<0.05。结论:哮喘患者选取蒙药让阿嘎日-8治疗,可控制哮喘症状,高效可行。

  • 标签: 让阿嘎日-8 哮喘 疗效
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  • 简介:AbstractObjective:The plant polyphenol resveratrol (3,4′,5-trihydroxystilbene) (RSV) has been proposed for use because of its protective effect on ultraviolet (UV)-induced skin disorders. In UVB-induced skin damage, cell autophagy and apoptosis have been approved to prevent the damage and to contribute to the cytoprotective role of RSV; however, the detailed mechanism remains unknown. So, we conducted this study to investigate the cytoprotective effects of RSV on UVB-irradiated human epidermal keratinocytes (HEKs) and its undergoing mechanisms.Methods:Secretion of thirty-six inflammatory cytokines of HEKs induced by 50 mJ/cm2 UVB at 0, 12, 24, and 48 hours were detected by a human cytokine assay and the interleukin (IL)-8 protein level in the culture media were determined by ELISA. Next, HEKs were treated with or without 100 μmol/L RSV in the presence or absence of 50 mJ/cm2 UVB, and activator protein 1 and NF-κB-related proteins were measured by Western blot. Furthermore, cells exposed to UVB radiation were treated with apoptosis activators procaspase-activating compound 1 (PAC-1), apoptosis activator 2 (AA2) or RSV to investigate the effect of RSV on the percentage of apoptotic cells by flow cytometry. Then cells were treated with autophagy inhibitors LY294002, 3-methyladenine (3-MA) or RSV in the presence of UVB and chloroquine (CQ) to investigate the effect of RSV on autophagy through detecting microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) expression by western blot. Finally, the effect of LY294002, 3-MA, ATG5 siRNA, PAC-1, and AA2 on RSV-mediated reduction of IL-8 expression was determined by ELISA assay.Results:RSV treatment decreased the secretion of IL-8 (UVB vs. UVB+ RSV: [1454.05 pg/mL ± 52.95 pg/mL] vs. [553.68 pg/mL ± 206.03 pg/mL], P < 0.001), and downregulated the protein level of c-Fos in UVB-irradiated HEKs (UVB vs. UVB+ RSV: [0.103 ± 0.009] vs. [0.048 ± 0.015], P < 0.01). In UVB-irradiated HEKs, the result of western blot showed that LY294002 and 3-MA inhibited RSV-induced LC3 II accumulation (UVB + CQ + RSV vs. UVB + CQ + 3-MA+ RSV vs. UVB + CQ + LY294002+ RSV: [1.15 ± 0.03] vs. [0.77 ± 0.13] vs. [0.67 ± 0.13], P < 0.01), and the result of flow cytometry showed that PAC-1 and AA2 prevented RSV from reducing cell apoptosis (UVB+ RSV vs. UVB+ PAC-1 + RSV vs. UVB+ AA2+ RSV: [19.56% ± 0.62%] vs. [94.33% ± 0.15%] vs. [94.97% ± 1.91%], P < 0.001). The data of ELSA assay showed that LY294002, 3-MA, and ATG5 siRNA reversed the RSV-mediated inhibition of IL-8 protein secretion by UVB-irradiated HEKs (UVB + LY294002 vs. UVB + LY294002 + RSV: [3283.00 pg/mL ± 444.05 pg/mL] vs. [1608.58 pg/mL ± 128.42 pg/mL], P < 0.05; UVB + 3-MA vs. UVB+ 3-MA+ RSV: [2941.88 pg/mL ± 103.80 pg/mL] vs. [1867.51 pg/mL ± 153.84 pg/mL], P < 0.01; UVB+ siATG5 vs. UVB+ siATG5+ RSV: [2530.11 pg/mL ± 685.34 pg/mL] vs. [3011.42 pg/mL ± 435.69 pg/mL], P > 0.05), whereas neither PAC-1 nor AA2 exerted similar effects.Conclusion:RSV may regulate autophagic flux to inhibit IL-8 expression in UVB-challenged keratinocytes.

  • 标签: ultraviolet resveratrol autophagy IL-8 keratinocyte