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  1. 名词+中心词=中心词+ of +名词 名词做定语修饰中心词是常见的前置定语形态,通常译为后置定语。例如:革命先驱的历史功勋the historic exploits of revolutionary pioneers,有时需要处理源文增加上义词,如:在马克思列宁主义同中国工人运动的紧密结合中,增译course, in the course of integrating Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese workers’ movement。

  2. 名词+中心词=中心词+介词+名词 依据修饰名词与中心词的关系确定介词,例如:为中华民族建立的历史功绩the historical contributions to the Chinese nation;新民主主义革命伟大胜利victory in the new democratic revolution。

  3. 目的动词+宾语+中心词=中心词+动词不定式+宾语 修饰成分的动词表目的可译成动词不定式,例如:纪念辛亥革命110周年大会a commemorative meeting to mark the 110th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution;解决中国前途命运问题的正确道路和领导力量the right path and leading force to determine the future of the country。

  4. 动词+宾语+中心词=中心词+of +动名词+宾语 动宾结构也转换为动名词加宾语的形式,例如:全面建设成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects。

  5. 以“某人或某物”而如何+中心词=中心词+过去分词 + by + “某人或某物” 定语成分和中心词是主动关系,需要增译动词,体现逻辑关系,例如:孙中山先生革命事业the revolutionary cause initiated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen;中国人民和中国先进分子进行的一次伟大而艰辛的探索a great and arduous exploration, undertaken by the Chinese people and Chinese progressives。

  6. 与中心词有施动关系的动词+中心词=中心词+定语从句 中心词作为定语成分动作的施动者可译为定语从句,例如:在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度the absolute monarchy that had ruled China for thousands of years;近代以来中国发生的深刻社会变革the profound social changes that have taken place in modern China。

  7. 动词+中心词= 动词+as +中心词 源文动词是中心词的存续状态,仍译为动词,并接as 具体描述存续的形式。例如:辛亥革命永远是中华民族伟大复兴征程上一座巍然屹立的里程碑。The Revolution of 1911 will forever stand as a towering landmark on our nation’s journey toward rejuvenation.

  1. 定语译为动词过去分词+by 的结构 源文中心词是含有动词词义的名词,译为动词被动态,后接动作的实施者做状语,例如:中国共产党领导是历史的选择、人民的选择。The party was chosen to lead by history and by the people. 人民的唾弃和历史的审判,disdained by the people and condemned by history。


实践中多层定语的嵌套也较为常见,如:孙中山先生振兴中华的深切夙愿,辛亥革命先驱对中华民族发展的美好憧憬,近代以来中国人民梦寐一球并为之奋斗的伟大梦想 the aspiration of national revitalization that was deeply held by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the longing for a bright future for the Chinese nation that was cherished by the pioneers of the Revolution, and the great dream that the Chinese people have aspired and striven toward in modern times,其中前两个定语从句也可以直接用过去分词代替,但是为了切合最后一个定语从句的样态,达到对仗工整的效果,保留了从句形式。

Techniques for Dealing with Attributes in Chinese-to-English Translation

Abstract: Dealing with attributive components of original sentences poses a certain challenge, considering the huge difference between Chinese and English in terms of sentence structure and perception of meaning. Practitioners can take various original-and-translated version of texts as their studying material to fully explore the inner mechanism of how translating happens. The paper presents eight techniques for dealing with attributive components in Chinese-to -English translation.

Keywords: Chinese-to- English Translation, Post-position of Attribute, Translating Techniques

白烁 1981年7月,女,蒙古族,内蒙古通辽市人,单位:内蒙古民族大学,内蒙古通辽市科尔沁区,028000,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:翻译理论与实践