Study on the practical problems of classified training of master in engineering colleges

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Study on the practical problems of classified training of master in engineering colleges

Chao Chen

School of Information & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, 310018, China

Abstract: This paper aims to change the current school of engineering and science of general facing the severe problems by revising training program, reforming the curriculum system, upgrading the thesis evaluation system, and so on. Improve the quality of postgraduate training and promote the steady development of disciplines.

Key words: school of engineering; postgraduate training; master

The training objectives of the two types of degrees (master and professional master) are quite different, constructing a scientific and reasonable classified training model, promoting the personalized classification cultivation is very important. However, with the continuous expansion of graduate enrollment in recent years, there are two serious and universal problems in the process of graduate students' classified training: (1) the proportion of students is seriously out of balance; (2) the classification cultivation effect is not notable. These problems lead to the quality of postgraduate training is decreasing and insufficient innovation ability, which affects the research work of graduate tutor and the overall development of the discipline. Especially for our engineering department, the above problems are particularly obviously. Thus, we need some innovative thinking to actively explore the reform of the classified training model for graduate students and improve the quality of postgraduate training.

The fundamental task of graduate education is to train top-notch innovative talent. The construction of postgraduate training mode must take scientific training objective as the guiding ideology. At present, the postgraduate education of both types of degrees (Master and Professional Master) is based on the knowledge of the relevant discipline. They have the same subject education background, different training objective, therefore, it is necessary to construct a scientific and reasonable classification training mode. But, in recent years, the graduate students in the college of Information and Telecommunications in the process of classified training, we find two serious problems as following:

(1) The proportion of students is seriously unbalanced

Firstly, the entrance examination for professional master's students is easier than that for master's students, professional master's degree of admission is less difficult than master's degree. Under the current classification culture method, requirement for the graduation is also less demanding than a master's degree, thus, professional masters are "easy in, easy out". Secondly, different from other universities such as Zhejiang University, there are no doctoral programs in several engineering colleges in our school. Only 5-10% of master students will go on to do a PhD, the rest of the students will intend to work in the company. While looking for a job, there is no difference between a professional master and a master. According to the above reasons, which have led to a serious imbalance in the proportion of professional master and master students in the college of engineering in our university in recent years, there is a serious shortage of master students.

(2) The classification cultivation effect is not notable

The supervisor is the first responsible person of postgraduate training. Therefore, the effect of classification training is mainly controlled by the tutor, which will bring a series of problems. Firstly, most of supervisor is trained by the academic type to cultivate, who will be a lack of type awareness in the cultivation of professional postgraduates. Secondly, if the supervisor has no experience in solving industry problems or related topics, it is difficult to apply the professional graduate students for the environment and experience. Finally, the supervisors are not very clear about what makes a good professional dissertation, only according to the academic dissertations to evaluate the dissertation. Hence, the current problems lead that there is little difference between the cultivation of professional master's students and that of master's students. The effect of classification culture is not achieved.

In conclusion, the system for recruiting postgraduate has direct influences on the quality of students cultivated, cultivation quality is decreasing and insufficient innovation ability has aroused widespread concern in the society. And these problems are particularly serious in the process of postgraduate training in our college of engineering. So we need to optimize and reform the classified training model for graduate students, continuously improve the quality of postgraduate training.


This research was financially supported by Graduate Educational Reform Project of Zhejiang Gongshang University. (Grant NO.YJG2021211).