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500 个结果
  • 简介:DefendingchampionsJapanshatteredChina'sdreamofafirsteverAsianCupfinalvictory,winningthankstoacontroversial(有争论的)goalinahostileatmospheretodownthehostnation3-1.ThoughweChineseteamdidn'twinattheend,thisisthebestresultwegotduringthepast20years.

  • 标签: 高中 英语 注释 足球运动 阅读练习
  • 简介:研究了以辛醇-2为原料制备己酸,用己酸和乙醇合成己酸乙酯的方法,确定了催化剂,考察了反应温度、原料配比、催化剂用量和反应时间等因素对反应的影响.己酸乙酯的收率为57%左右.

  • 标签: 辛醇-2 己酸乙酯 合成 原料 配比 催化剂
  • 简介:天皇人格这种天皇神格的现世形式与天皇这种神的现世形式的日本历史信仰逻辑,日本历史信仰逻辑所带来的天皇现世临在信仰,五、天皇信仰中的日本人(天皇信仰的历史形式) 

  • 标签: 信仰逻辑 历史信仰 日本历史
  • 简介:A.降、降、降 B.降、降、升C.升、降、升 D.升、升、降()4.—What can I do for you,I like them very much.A.升、升、降 B.升、降、降C.升、降、升 D.降、升、降()3.—What are they doing there,I am.A.升、升、降 B.降、升、升C.降、降、降 D.降、升、降()2.—What beautiful flowers they are

  • 标签: 知识讲 讲练 语音知识
  • 简介:若说学生生活是一曲大乐章的话,那么宿舍生活就像是一个个小音符了,大乐章的动听离不开小音符的优美,我们的宿舍生活1、2、3便是其中优美的一节。

  • 标签: 学生习作 中学 语文 记叙文
  • 简介:<正>3月20日晚,吉林农业大学人文政法学院拓野文学社举办"传承文明开拓创新"文艺汇演,庆祝该文学社成立两周年。人文政法学院党总支副书记王长海老师、分团委张建东老师以及学校校报、《学生工作简报》和各个兄弟文学社的同学,与拓野才子们一道分享了生日的喜悦。

  • 标签: 政法学院 党总支副书记 王长海 工作简报 吉林农业大学 文艺汇演
  • 简介:only a glass of wine will be a whole night. The wine culture in Britain is like the characteristics of the British people. So we seldom see some people drunkard in the street. Additionally if the food is different,British wine culture possesses the less sense of the sensitive considerations which is connected with the social superiorities and inferiorities. I think this is a distance between China and Britain. III. The significance of knowing the differences of customWe have had a glimpse of the different customs of Britain and China. Of course what we have discussed just now are only one small aspect of the different culture. To learn the different culture is very important for our English major students and it really means a lot. Then what is the significance of understanding these differences,the fish head would be left for the guest of honor - and it is the most nutritious part (the eyes and lips are the valued delicacies offered to the senior lady present). The platter holding the fish will always be laid on the table in such a way that the fish head points towards the guest of honor (at family meals

  • 标签:
  • 简介:was a new one to the students. The students had to not only guess its meaning was,sometimes the writer will give a suitable definition to a word. We can guess the meanings of the new words by these given definitions easily,the main idea is usually stated in a single sentence. The sentence that states the main idea in a paragraph is called the topic sentence.[7] 

  • 标签: 提高英语 英语阅读 阅读能力
  • 简介:所以中国思想的理念不是固化的美的形式,中国哲学有这种超越的思想理念,但却没有产生表达这种思想理念的结果

  • 标签: 中国思想 思想柏拉图 柏拉图哲学
  • 简介:勾股定理来源于实践,但它终需理论的证明.由于勾股定理本身的强大生命力,去论证它的人一直络绎不绝.迄今为止,据说人们已创造了400余种证法,这恐怕是任何定理都无法与之相比的,给出这些证明的不但有数学家、天文学家,还有物理学家,甚至美国第20届总统伽菲尔德于1876年也提出了一种证法。

  • 标签: 勾股定理 初二 数学 证明方法
  • 简介:and his most famous book about the American Civil War called The Red Badge of Courage. He thought his works liked a mirror reflecting all life,The Cambridge History of English and American Literature,A Brief Introduction To Modern American Literature 1919-1980

  • 标签: 美国文学史
  • 简介:The landscape construction and economic development should be a benign interaction,landscape design is an art. It and other art forms,the landscape changes and development in the form of the most influential art forms

  • 标签:
  • 简介:股指期货在期货交易所交易并由CFTC监管的模式有相当大的缺陷,股指期货只在期货交易所交易,目前美国期货市场的股指期货交易主要集中在CME、CBOT和纽约商品交易所(COMEX)等各大期货交易所

  • 标签: 期货监管 监管属性 股指期货
  • 简介:我校就加强和规范二级财务管理主要有做了六项工作,全面提升我校财务工作在全省的地位,成为全省财务工作做得比较好的典型

  • 标签: 个人总结 财会个人 金融财会
  • 简介:Poe began in March 1835 to contribute short fiction and book reviews to the Richmond-based Southern Literary Messenger. In a period of American literature not notable for them,The year 1845 would bring both triumphs and the beginning of a final downward spiral in Poe's life. His poem "The Raven" appeared in the New York Evening Mirror in January,a new journal formed by George Graham through a merger of his magazine The Casket with the Gentleman's Magazine

  • 标签:
  • 简介:股指期货在期货交易所交易并由CFTC监管的模式有相当大的缺陷,股指期货只在期货交易所交易,目前美国期货市场的股指期货交易主要集中在CME、CBOT和纽约商品交易所(COMEX)等各大期货交易所

  • 标签: 期货监管 监管属性 股指期货
  • 简介:儒家伦理政治的主要原则,董氏对伦理政治的制度精神高度重视,君、臣、民在政治布局中各得其宜

  • 标签: 再诠释 思想再 董仲舒思想