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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractAdrenal gland trauma is a rare phenomenon, due to the small size and retroperitoneal location of the organ. The majority of adrenal gland trauma is due to blunt force injury and is only rarely encountered due to the penetrating mechanisms. A 20-year-old male sustained a gunshot wound to the left abdomen. Upon exploration, he was found to have a through and through injury to the left adrenal gland, among other injuries. Injury to the adrenal gland due to penetrating trauma is exceptionally rare. The principles of management are to control bleeding from the gland with debridement and hemostasis rather than attempt to resect the entire organ. The management of a penetrating injury to the adrenal gland is straightforward and should not be a contributor to a patient's morbidity or mortality.

  • 标签: Adrenal injury Gunshot wound Penetrating trauma
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  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This study was performed to explore the conversion of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) into sweat gland-like cells for the purpose of sweat gland regeneration.Methods:ADSCs and human sweat gland (hSG) cells were isolated, cultured, and identified. The ADSCs were then cultured in combination with epidermal growth factor and/or cocultured with hSG cells in a Transwell coculturing system to transform the ADSCs into hSG-like cells. Phenotypic changes of the ADSCs were examined by morphological observation and immunocytochemical analysis of specific markers.Results:The ADSCs showed sweat gland-like morphologic changes and expressed sweat gland markers (cytokeratins 7, 14, and 18).Conclusion:These findings revealed that ADSCs can differentiate into hSG-like cells after coculture in a Transwell system and that epidermal growth factor can enhance the efficiency of differentiation. ADSCs may serve as a potential source of cells for sweat gland regeneration.

  • 标签: adipose-derived stem cells human sweat gland-like cells differentiation