Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 3a—3c教学设计

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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section A 3a—3c教学设计




1. 能听、说、读、写下列词汇:

Block,work-worker, burn-burning, belief-disbelief, alive-living-live-lively, airport, till-until, west-east-north-south, stare

2. 能正确使用下列常用表达:

in line with, show up, be about to, even though, take off, stare at, in disbelief, by the end of

3. 能掌握并熟练运用下列句型:

1) Life is full of the unexpected.

2) I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.

3) As I was waiting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound.

4) Before I could join the others outside to see what was going on, the first plane had already hit my office building






二、教学过程 Teaching Procedures

  1. Free talk

T: My life is full of the happy/unhappy!( Long holidays/Long daily working hours)

T: What makes you happy/ unhappy?

Ask Ss to give the answers.

Life is full of the happy/ unhappy.

Life is full of the unexpected!


2. Lead-in

Show four pictures about 9.11 and the big earthquake in New Zealand and let Ss guess what happened. On September 11,2001,something unexpected happened in America. A plane hit the World Trade Center. The buildings were burning. The black smoke rose above the two buildings

What happened in New Zealand ?

An earthquake happened in New Zealand on Feb. 21, 2011.(导入课题,学生通过观察图片了解新单词的含义,为下面文章的阅读做好知识铺垫,扫清阅读障碍。同时推测文本的主旨。)

3. 感知体验 Perception

a. Task 1:

Tell Ss to listen to the passage and choose the main idea of the passage.

Listen to the passage and choose the best answer.

The main idea of the passage is about______.

A. how to stay away from danger

B. unlucky things happened in the writer’s life.

C. My bad luck turned into good things

Task 2: Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.

1. How many events are mentioned? What are they?

Check the answers.(设计意图:让学生感知)

b. Task 1:

1). Read Para.1 carefully and fill in the blanks. Mind-map Check the answers in groups.

And retell Para.1 according to the mind map.


(设计意图:让学生体验如何用 mind-map 梳理文本信息。)

Task 2: Read Para.2 carefully and number the following sentences 1-6.


Check the answers together.


Task 3:Read Para. 2 again and finish the mind map 2.


Say the answers together.

4. 强化巩固 Consolidation

3b Find words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words below. Write a sentence with each word.3c Retell one of the events to your partner. (环节 II中,穿插进行)

What can we learn from the passage?

1. A bad thing can turn into a good one sometimes.

2.Please value everything you have and every minute you spend with your family and friends.

3.No matter what you meet in your life, please face them bravely.

Enjoy a poem. Life! Life can be good, Life can be bad, Life is mostly cheerful(欢乐), But sometimes sad. Life can be dirty, Life can even be painful; But life is what you make it, So try to make it beautiful.


5. 实践应用 Practice


A : Welcome to CCTV news. Do you have any unexpected experiences in your life? Could you share it with us?

B : Yes!

A : When and where did it happen?

B : It happened on ________.

A : What happened to you?

B : ... A : How did you feel?

B : I felt_______________.

A : What did you learn from it?

B :...Write a short passage on the paper.


6. 总结反馈Summary

Talk about the two events in the passage according to the mind map.(who, when, where, what, how, feeling)


7. 作业布置 Homework

Level A: 1. Recite the new words and new structures;

2. Retell the passage to your partner ;

3. Write a story about your lucky or unlucky day.

Level B:

1. Read the new words and new structures;

2. Read 3a fluently to your partner;


  1. 板书设计 Blackboard Design

Unit 12 Lie is full of the unexpected.

Section A 3a—3b


四、教后反思 Teaching Reflection

本节课为读写课,我立足本课重点难点充实教学内容,丰富教学环节,反复改进教学设计,力求学生的听说读写综合语用能力得到扎实有效的训练和提高。通过反思发现,这堂课有一些不足之处,如:1. 从学生的整体反应来看,过多的提示,不利于发展能力强的学生真正的表达能力,需注意把握好度。2.应更科学地对学生进行评价,进行更合理的引导等。这些都是我今后需进一步思考和改进的问题,我会继续努力,不断的更新教学现念,精心设计每堂课,打造高效课堂。