Comparison of D ifferences between Asian and American Education on the Basis of Paper Tigers

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Comparison of D ifferences between Asian and American Education on the Basis of Paper Tigers

LI Wanxin

Collage of Humanities and Foreign Languages,

China Jiliang University,




When it comes to the education of Asian families, we immediately think of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, a book that caused a stir in the United States when it was first published.

WhilePaper Tigers is a critical essay by Wesley Yang in response to Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, in this paper, we will analyze the differences between Asian and American education from the perspective of paper tiger, and finally give opinions on the current situation of Asian education.

Key words: Asian; Ameican; education

1 Paper Tigers

Paper Tigers is a critical essay by Wesley Yang in response to Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, focusing on the parental guidance that distinguish between Asian and American families. The author, as a korean immigant, illustrates the general idea that Asian children are the nerds and losers from Asian parenting. He argues that Asian-American "test-oriented education," the devil's cram school, has contributed to high enrollment rates, but also deprived Asian-Americans of much of the fun of childhood and created an image of Asian students "whose scores do not reflect their abilities.".

Moreover, Asian-American parents are supposed not to support sports and social activities, leaving their children with a marked lack of social training, even dating. Besides, Asian cultural traditions are easy to be misunderstood. For instance, "stiff upper lip" is considered "unfriendly" or even "abnormal".

Generally speaking, the author takes a negative attitude to Asian education and the edification of Asian cultural values. However, whether or not you accept the mainstream values, mainstream rules of the game and strive for the acceptance and recognition of the mainstream society, you must put the right things right about the education of your youth.

Interestingly, by the way, there is a rather different perspective on the comments. Most of the comments express three kinds of ideas. First, the phenomenon the authors describe is not confined to Asians, but the experience of many new immigrant groups. For new immigrants, survival comes first. Having a skill that leads to a steady paycheck is more important than leadership. And they focused more on engagement and integration in the new world than on challenging the established order.

This bias also inevitably affects their children. As generations pass, this tradition fades away. Second, do we really need mainstream values to judge ourselves. If we can't be accepted by the mainstream crowd socially, and can't obtain the success signs such as power, money and so on, which are recognized by the mainstream society, does that mean we are failures ?

2 Comparison between Asian and American education

Education attaches great importance to every country, it includes various aspects such as parenting, education system, social education. different teaching methods and attitudes and so on. When it comes to parenting, Asian parents are inclined to insist in arming children with skills and strong work habits while exerting strict parental guidance and ruthless discipline prepares them best for the future. They intend to attach more significance to academic performance and achievements rather than inpiduality, imagination or creativity. Obedience and respect are what they have emphasized in parenting. Many of Asian parents believe in that strictness and harshness bring out the best potential of their children. What underlying different ways of education are different values, cultures, pursuits and society backgrounds. Filial piety, craving for success or excellence, collectivism, humility, hard work, harmonious relations, sacrificing for the future are essential values have been rooting deeply in Asian culture, especially in China. Meanwhile, western parenting tends to respect and nurture children’s inpiduality, focusing less on obedience. American education are less obsessed with grade grubbing or cram school compared with Asian education. In western, teachers encourage equal and open discussion which means students are welcomed to come up with their own opinions. Besides, active interaction and participation, independent critical thinking, cooperation, leadership are what they think highly of. Being socially affable and athletically outstanding are of their top concerns too. With regard to teaching methods and concepts, in western they has been following Socrates’ principles whereas we value Confucius’ ideas.

3 Conclusion

Definitely, there are some trashes in the Asian tradition, but some universal values could not be ignored. Such as rice economy mentioned in Outlier that developes the character of not eager for quick success, not giving up easily, both are conducive to success. Of course, I'm not saying that Asian culture is superior to others. From my perspective, both Asian and American education are evolving and improving gradually. Nowadays, university education in China has already been emphasizing the significance of critical thinking, cooperation , leadership, independence and creativity. Not only university education but also more Chinese parents has began to guiding their children to become versatile and well-rounded person who are eminent in various aspects.