The Creation of English Language Circumstance(1)

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Circumstance is very important in influencing people’s life and personality. And also, it is important in learning language. As a compulsory course for junior and primary students in China, English is becoming more and more important. But the problem is how to learn English efficiently. Learners at home usually have little time to listen to or speak English. Except that they can speak English in their English classes for 40 or 45 minutes only, they have no chance to speak English, no chance to listen to English, even no chance to feel the existence of English. So, as teachers, the most impotent thing to do is to solve the problem, by creating a language circumstance, stimulating their initiative in learning English.
The paper will try to describe about how to create a circumstance for English learners at home. There are many ways, for example, creating the classroom circumstance, which including setting the scene for the students, giving them more chance to speak and listen , in order to improve the ability of listening and speaking. And also we can use English corner, English broadcast or letting them listen to English songs, watching e movies and so on.

Key words: English Language Circumstance create interest
Class circumstance English corner English movie

摘 要
环境对影响人的个性和生活非常重要,同样对学习语言也很重要。在中国,作为中小学的一门必修课,英语已显得越来越重要。所以我们很关注怎样才能有效地学好英语。国内的学习者通常很少有机会听或者说英语。除了课堂上短短的 40 或 45 分钟之外,他们几乎没有机会接触英语了。所以作为英语老师,我们的首要任务就是为学生创设一个英语语言环境,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。

关键词:英语语言环境 课堂环境 兴趣
英语原声电影 英语角 创设

1. Introduction
As a compulsory course for junior and primary students in China, English is becoming more and more important. Some people say that English is one of the three keys of 21st century (with other two are computer and car). But the problem is how to learn English efficiently. Learners at home usually have little time to listen to or speak English. Except that they can speak English in their English classes for 40 or 45 minutes only, they have no chance to speak English, no chance to listen to English, even no chance to feel the existence of English.

But as we all know, according to the scientific theory, if we don’t use what we have learned, we will forget them quickly, especially language. Then learning will be interrupted, and the initiative will be weakened. So, as teachers, the most important thing to do is to solve the problem, by creating a language circumstance, stimulating their initiative in learning English.
I will discuss about how to create a language circumstance for the students.
As we all know, circumstance is very important in influencing people’s life and personality. And also, it is important in learning language. Many scholars, experts and teachers hold the same view. We learn our mother language mostly by feeling, imitating and using. First, we feel the existence of the mother language, and then imitate the pronunciation and intonation from our parents or other people. We imitate how to use different sentences in different situations. The ultimate goal of language teaching is to enable the students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary. So after imitating we learned, then we begin to use it in real life. We communicate with others in our mother tongue; we use it to express ourselves, to understand others. Thus, we control the language. It is obvious that, language circumstance is very important. Learning second language is not exceptive. So some people think that to learn foreign language must go abroad. Stay at the foreign country for one or half-year, you can sure speak their language. Of course that’s right. But practically, we find it unfeasible, at least cannot become common. Because there is only a few people have the chance to go aboard. So the most important thing to do is to create a language circumstance for the learners at home.
In china, most of the foreign language learners are students in primary or middle school. Therefore,as teachers we should create a good English language circumstance for the students. It becomes the most important thing.
In light of many research works and a lot of books and documents, there are many scholars and teachers who have started to work over on the subject, among which some acquired achievements.

The creation of English language circumstance is very useful to the learners of second language. Though the second language is different with their mother tongues, they will certainly learn it easily if they can read, listen to or speak it more. And yet, the way to creating a language circumstance is various but not static.

2. The Creation of Class Circumstance

As we just said, the only time for the students to contact English is the 40 or 45 minutes in their English class. So the classroom management is very important. The efficiency of a class will decide the students’ English level someway or other. Consequently, a good teacher will try his /her best to improve the efficiency of his/her class. Then, how to create the circumstance in the class? Many people think the best way to learn English is to speak English as often as one can. But we don't have such English circumstance, what shall we do? Some listen to English radios every day to improve their listening ability. And sometimes they watch American films that they are interested in. In the class, we also try our best to give them a good circumstance to improve their speaking and listening to English, so that they can communicate fluently.

2.1 Communicative functions of language.

“The ultimate goal of language teaching is to enable the students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary.”1 The purpose of learning a language is to communicate with others. It is to say the main function of a language is to communicate. So we should always put this function in the important position. And in our teaching we should let our students know how to use the language to express their own feelings and to understand others. That’s important.
“One possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real life language use is the adoption of communicative language teaching, which has in recent years become a fashionable term to cover a variety of developments in syllabus design and in the methodology of foreign language teaching.”2 The goal of teaching is to develop students’ communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.

“Communicative competence includes four aspects:
1) Knowing whether or not something is formally possible (grammatically acceptable)
2) Knowing whether something is understandable to human beings
3) Knowing whether something is in tine with social norms
4) Knowing whether or not something is in fact done: Do people actually use language this way?”3
In other words, communicative competence entails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. Communication competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.

2.2 “Setting the Scene”4

Make a real or similar situation for the students to help them to understand. We can use body language、pictures、real objects and so on.
For example, listening to passages in the classroom can be more difficult than listening in real life, because of the lack of context. So the teacher can help provide the background information to activate learners’ schema, so they will be better prepared to understand what they hear.
Also, while teaching new words, new phrases, new sentences or new texts, we can set the scene for them, so they can easy to understand and remember.
When I teach the new words: tomato, new sentences: How much is /are……, please? And that’s cheap/expensive.
Before the class I prepare some objects like tomatoes, apples, some bags of milk and so on. And I ask my students to take something, too.
In the class, I first take out an apple, then ask:
T: What’ this?
S: It’s an apple.
Then I show them the tomato.
T: What is this? Do you know?
S: Sorry, I don’t know. / I think it’s a tomato.
T: Good! It is a tomato.
Then I take out two or more tomatoes.
T: How many tomatoes do I have? (Write down tomatoes on the blackboard and Red “es”)
S: Two.
T: Good. Please don’t forget “es” when you use plural number.
At last, I put all of my things on the teacher’s desk and write down the prices on the objects. I tell them this is a shop; it sells many kinds of things. Then ask some students inpidually:

T: What’s this?
S: It’s a tomato.
T: How much are the tomatoes?
S: They are one Yuan a kilo.
T: Is it cheap or expensive?
S: It is cheap.
T: What are those?
S: They are apples.
T: How much are they?
S: They are ten dollars a kilo.
T: Is it cheap, too?
S: No, they are expensive.
Finally, I ask them to make up a similar dialogue by using the things they take, suppose they are sellers or buyers. Because of the real objects, they can be easy to understand.
While teaching some verbs we can use body language to help their understanding.
For example, when we teach “run”, we can pretend to run, and ask the students: “What am I doing?” “You are running.”
And also, when we teach “jump”, we can jump and ask: “What am I doing?” “You are jumping.” “Yes, you are right. Can you jump?” “Yes.”

2.3 Give them more chance to speak and listen.

The Greek philosopher Epictetus ever wittily said: “Nature has given man one tongue and two ears that he may hear twice as much as he speaks.” From the saying we can learn how important the listening is in our daily life. About 45% of time of an adult concerns to listening to other people, to the radio, to the music. In linguistic, giving the students a lot of listening activities is a good way of enlarging their vocabulary. On the other hand, it also helps the students improve their listening comprehension.
So in the class, we should give more chance and time to let the students listen. There are many ways:

2.3.1 Listen and sequence

Show them many pictures. The students should find out the right order of the pictures based on what they hear. Students can successfully complete this type of task even when they do not understand every word they hear. This builds up their confidence and helps prepare them for the real world where they certainly will not be able to understand everything they hear.

1 2 3 4 5 6
There are six pictures; you should give the right order after your listening to the tape.
1、Chinese people like to eat rice for lunch.
2、Do you like potato chips?

3、Every morning I drink milk.
4、My favorite food is hamburger.
5、I’m thirsty. Please give me a bottle of apple juice.
6、The meat looks delicious. Do you want to eat?
The answer is 6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 3

2.3.2 Listen and act

There is a whole method of teaching called Total Physical Response, which concentrates on learning language by listening and responding physically to commands or directions. There are many variations of how this can be carried out in a classroom. With beginners, it is easy to start with simple commands such as “stand up”, ”sit down”, “walk to the door”, “open/close the door”, “point to the window”, “hold up your pencil box”, “put your right hand on your left ear.” etc. At intermediate levels, the commands can become more complex. For example, “Pretend you are walking through mud.” “Pretend you are walking through sand.” “Pretend you are washing your face.” “Pretend you are tying your shoes.” “Pretend you are eating watermelon.”

2.3.3 Listen and draw

A whole range of activities can be designed around this way. Make some orders, like “draw a hill on the paper, draw some trees on the hill, draw a bird on the tree, draw a house near the trees, draw a river near the hill……”

The spoken language is one of the important ways to communicate, too. So we should try to develop the students’ ability of speaking.

2.3.4Free talk

Give them five minutes to give a duty report every class. Example: “Hello, everybody. I’m on duty today. Today is Monday, May 15th. Everyone is here today.”
When learn something new, give them some time to talk about the subject.
T: “Today we will learn something about food. Can you tell me something what you knew about food? For example, what kind of food do you know?”
S: “ Coke, hamburger……”
T: “What do you like?”
S: “I like noodles and milk.”

2.3.5“Change the story”

Students work in small groups of 3~5. Each writes a short story or description and then under lines all the verbs in the story. The group together then makes a list of about 20 random verbs. Each group member reads his/her story but pauses at every verb. The group then supplies one of the random verbs into that slot. The results can be funny.”5

3. English Broadcast

Without question, it is difficult of a middle school student to understand the listening material, if he hasn't enough vocabulary and the ability of telling the grammar construction. In my investigation, about 35% of the students with low listening comprehension thing this is because they don't understand or know the knowledge about linguistic,they are not able to tell the means of what they have heard. In another investigation, students were asked to listen to a dialogue of 244 words, in which the words and grammar have already been learned. But 80% of them thought it was too difficult. Then, using the same dialogue as a reading comprehension material, I found only 5% of them thought it was a little difficult, on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.
It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.
A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often try to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences, and a great many students could understand the material directly. They often translate the English into Chinese in their heart, thinking that only in this way can the sentence be understood. This is also a reason, trying to understand each word is difficult, and it is not necessary at all. You should catch the most important points.
Then how to improve the students' listening skill? Listen more is very important.
We can spend 20 or 30 minutes at noon everyday in broadcasting some news, stories or articles, which measure up to the standards of the students on campus broadcast. That will make the students listen more. And if broadcast some news about the singer stars or movie stars, like ZhouJielun or F.I.R, the students will be happy and interesting. And ask them to take notes while listening and to tell the main idea of what they have just listened.

There is a piece of short news:
Yesterday, we held the sports meeting. At 9 o’clock Tom won the 100m race. He ran very fast. Jack can jump very high, so he won the high jump race. Do you know who swam fast? Of course she was Ann. Congratulations!
After listening, the students should take some short notes like “who won the 100m race?”
By doing this, the students’ listening ability will improve.

4. English Corner

Found English Corner at school. Make more students to join in and speak out loudly. If the students can take part in the English Corner constantly, they will be sure to reap a lot and sure to become successful.
In our school we organized English corner. pide into two large groups: Grade One and Grade Two. We organized every Monday noon. We arrange many different proceedings.

4.1 Topic talking

Give them a topic, let them talk in small group of 3~5. They can make up a story or a dialogue, then tell or act it before the group of 20~30 students.
For example, the topic is “My Sunday”. Some students tell a short passage:
My Sunday
  It's Sunday today. After breakfast I do my homework. Then I help my father work in the garden. I'm tired, but I feel happy. In the afternoon I go to visit one of my classmates. We play football until 5:00. We have a good time together. I watch TV for an hour in the evening. At about 8:30 I do some reading. I go to bed at about 10 o'clock. I have a happy Sunday
Some makes up dialogues about ask each other “what do you often do on your Sundays.

4.2 Story telling

Ask each of the students to prepare a short story and tell it to the members of the English corner. Other students should listen carefully. When the story is finished, the teller should ask some questions, other members should answer them.