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15 个结果
胰腺病学杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-5664 CN: 10-1560/R
  • 标签: 胰腺病学杂志(英文)
  • 简介:The Journal of Pancreatology is a new, international peer-reviewed journal officially approved by the China Association for Science and Technology. This English-language publication will focus on diseases related to the pancreas as well as multi-disciplinary clinical approaches, including general surgery, gastroenterology, endocrinology, oncology, pathology, nuclear medicine, and radiology. Imaging modalities such as ultrasonography and pancreatic-related basic and clinical research will also be included. With strong support from the Peking Union Medical College Hospital, the Chinese Medical Association and the China Association for Science and Technology, the journal is poised to become a successful communications platform with high quality articles and broad scholarly impact. The journal will be launched in December 2018 and will subsequently be published on a quarterly basis.

生物安全与健康 (<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-6962 CN: 10-1630/Q
  • 标签: 生物安全与健康 (英文)
  • 简介:Biosafety and Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association, managed by National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC). This journal aims to publish original research findings and thoughts in any aspect connected with public health and biosafety. Topics include but are not limited to: · Identification and characterization of biological threats; · Origin, transmission, and evolution of biological agents; · Surveillance, risk assessment, and early-warning; · Prevention, diagnosis, and therapeutics; · Synthetic biotechnology, genome editing, and other new biotechniques; · Policies and standards.Biosafety and Health is published quarterly in English language. Article types include Original Research, Reviews, Perspectives, Correspondence, Case Report, News and Views, Highlights, Comments and policy forum, etc.

生殖与发育医学(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-2924 CN: 10-1442/R
  • 标签: 生殖与发育医学(英文)
  • 简介:Reproductive and Developmental Medicine创刊于2017年,由中国科学技术协会主管,中华医学会、上海市计划生育科学研究所、复旦大学附属妇产科医院共同主办,是一本严格同行评议、开放获取的期刊。主要刊登生殖医学与发育生物学相关的基础、临床和转化医学的最新研究成果,内容涵盖生殖内分泌学、生殖免疫学、生殖肿瘤、胚胎发育、出生缺陷、生殖系统感染性疾病,以及生殖与发育生物学研究的新技术、新方法。

贫困所致传染病(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2095-5162 CN: 10-1399/R
  • 标签: 贫困所致传染病(英文)
  • 简介:Infectious Diseases of Poverty is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing topic areas and methods that address essential public health questions relating to infectious diseases of poverty. These include various aspects of the biology of pathogens and vectors, diagnosis and detection, treatment and case management, epidemiology and modeling, zoonotic hosts and animal reservoirs, control strategies and implementation, new technologies and application. Transdisciplinary or multisectoral effects on health systems, ecohealth, environmental management, and innovative technology are also considered.Infectious Diseases of Poverty aims to identify and assess research and information gaps that hinder progress towards new interventions for a particular public health problem in the developing world. Moreover, it provides a platform for discussion of the issues raised, in order to advance research and evidence building for improved public health interventions in poor settings.

生物组学研究杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-5672 CN: 10-1558/R
  • 标签: 生物组学研究杂志(英文)
  • 简介:《Journal of Bio-X Research》杂志是中国科协主管,中华医学会主办的英文学术期刊。本刊以广大基础和临床医学工作者为服务对象,重点报道国内外医学领域重大进展,关注生物学前沿技术在临床医学领域的推广和应用,专注于生物学与医学交叉领域的最新科研成果和诊断、治疗经验。本刊专注于生物组学与医学交叉领域研究的国际学术论文发表,重点关注基因组学、转录组学、蛋白组学以及其它组学领域的前沿技术方法在临床领域的研究进展和应用。本刊涵盖生物学与医学多学科间的交叉研究成果,突出各组学研究平台的技术进步及其在复杂疾病的病因学,病理生理学,临床诊断和预防等诸多领域中的临床应用。本刊组建了国际化的编委会及编辑队伍,与国际出版平台开展合作,争取尽早被国际重要数据库收录并提高引证指标。杂志将立足国内,面向国际,争取打造成为我国临床和基础医学研究领域的重要国际学术期刊,并为初步形成具有我国自主知识产权的国际一流科技期刊群,增强科技期刊服务创新能力,全面建成小康社会和创新型国家做出应有贡献。

中华神经外科杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2095-9370 CN: 10-1275/R
  • 标签: 中华神经外科杂志(英文)
  • 简介:Chinese Neurosurgical Journal is an international open access journal publishing work in all areas of neurosurgery, including new trends in neurology and neuroscience, with a focus on clinical practice and techniques.

儿科学研究(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-3726 CN: 10-1593/R
  • 标签: 儿科学研究(英文)
  • 简介:Pediatric Investigation旨在传播有关儿科研究临床观察的前沿知识。它专注于临床护理,临床实践和该领域的转化医学,该刊鼓励与儿科内科、外科、放射学、病理学、生物化学、生理学、社会学与历史、预防保健、药理学和许多儿科亚专业相关的贡献。它将考虑以下类别的投稿:原创文章、综述文章、病例报告、简要报告。编辑还将进行专栏约稿:社论、指南、评论、医学新闻、讲座、研讨会、期刊俱乐部、儿科人物和临床经验介绍。Pediatric Investigation是中华医学会与Wiley合作出版的开放获取期刊,2018-2020年间发表的文章将不向作者收取任何出版费用,并且所有读者均可免费阅读全文。

母胎医学杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-6954 CN: 10-1632/R
  • 标签: 母胎医学杂志(英文)
  • 简介:Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) is a newly launched international peer-reviewed journal of the Chinese Medical Association. The aim of the journal is to publish high quality scientific articles in all areas of Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, including original clinical and translational research, state-of-the-art reviews, commentaries, case studies and case reports, and letters to the editor. Articles are published quarterly. The journal is available both in print and online.Areas covered include but not limited to:· Medical complications of pregnancy· Adverse events of pregnancy· Fetal development· Prenatal screening and diagnosis· Fetal Treatment and Therapy· Technology and developments in the field of Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine

中华创伤杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>版)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:1008-1275 CN: 50-1115/R
  • 标签: 中华创伤杂志(英文版)
  • 简介:Chinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition, ISSN 1008-1275, CN 50-1115/R) is sponsored and published by the Chinese Society of Traumatology affiliated to the Chinese Medical Association (CMA). Being a peer-reviewed medical journal, it began publishing in 1998 and is the sole English-language journal concerning wounds and injuries in China. With emphasis on the latest achievements and progress made in China, featured in the combination of Chinese traditional and Western medicine, the Journal focuses on all aspects of trauma care and accident surgery among all sources and countries. The scope of the journal covers actually all aspects of wounds and injuries, including brain injuries, chest and abdomen injuries, bone fractures, fire-arm injuries, burns, traffic accident injuries, wound ballistics, impact injuries, etc. The Journal functions as a window into China’s traumatic medicine, and serves as a bridge for international academic exchanges. The goal of the Journal is to gear its contents for the reference of the medical workers of the traumatological field and engage in the academic exchanges between the colleagues at home and abroad of the latest achievements, techniques and experience both on basic research and clinical application in traumatology. The sources of the articles are abundant and the contributors are from China and abroad as well.

慢性疾病与转化医学(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2095-882X CN: 10-1249/R
  • 标签: 慢性疾病与转化医学(英文)
  • 简介:Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine (CDTM, ISSN 2095-882X, CN 10-1249/R) is owned by the Chinese Medical Association and published by the Chinese Medical Association Publishing House and KeAi (a scientific media agent co-funded by Elsevier and Science Press Ltd). CDTM is an open access journal, and all articles are published on line first and print version is quarterly. The categories of articles include Editorial, Original Article, Review, Perspective, Correspondence, et al.

中华医学杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>版)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:0366-6999 CN: 11-2154/R
  • 标签: 中华医学杂志(英文版)
  • 简介:Chinese Medical Journal, a publication of Chinese Medical Association, is a peer-reviewed online journal with semi-monthly print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at http://www.cmj.org. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.The journal is indexed with Biological Abstracts, Biosis Preview, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, DOAJ, Excerpta Medica / EMBASE, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, PubMed, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS and Web of Science. SCI Impact Factor® for 2014 is 1.053.Offical web site:    www.cmj.orgSubmission address:   www.journalonweb.com.cn/cmj/

国际皮肤性病学杂志(<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-5540 CN: 32-1880/R
  • 标签: 国际皮肤性病学杂志(英文)
  • 简介:International Journal of Dermatology and Vernereology(简称IJDV)于2018年创刊,是目前大陆地区第一本也是唯一的英文皮肤性病学期刊。IJDV旨在为皮肤性病学及相关领域的临床医生和研究人员提供一个国际性开放平台,促进本学科各个方向包括流行病、病因、诊断和治疗的全面交流。过去的几十年,国内皮肤性病学包括遗传学,流行病学等发展迅速,科研成果倍出,有国际学术交流的迫切需要,但令人遗憾的是,大陆地区没有一本自主产权的皮肤病学英文刊可以提供这样的平台。因此,中华医学会和中国医学科学院皮肤病医院(皮肤病研究所)联手将原来的中文刊《国际皮肤性病学杂志》改刊为全英文的IJDV。中华医学会是国内最大的医学组织,具有丰富的办刊经验和资源。皮肤病研究所是全国皮肤病和性病学专业机构,也是国家性病和麻风控制中心和WHO性传播疾病预防和控制合作中心。研究所具有国内皮肤病学最全面的亚学科,是国内皮肤性学学术和科研力量最强的研究机构之一。编辑部有丰富的办刊经验,出版《中华皮肤科杂志》在皮肤性病学影响因子排名第一。目前IJDV已经有了超过2万人的微信粉丝群并在持续增加,为其影响力的快速提升打下了良好的基础。IJDV正在和荷兰威科商谈合作出版,力争在3-5年内实现期刊的国际化。

中华炎性肠病杂志(中<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-367X CN: 10-1480/R
  • 标签: 中华炎性肠病杂志(中英文)
  • 简介:《中华炎性肠病杂志》(纸质版)为国内唯一的炎性肠病研究领域的学术期刊,由中华医学会主办,季刊,于2017年正式向全国发行。本刊以反映我国炎性肠病基础及临床研究的进展、促进国内外学术交流为办刊宗旨。读者对象主要为炎性肠病相关医务工作者及科研人员。

世界耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志<b style='color:red'>英文</b>版
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2095-8811 CN: 10-1248/R
  • 标签: 世界耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志英文版
  • 简介:The World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery(WJOHNS) is an international peer-reviewed journal which encompasses advances in clinical practice, as well as contributions in basic and translational research pertaining to the field of otorhinolaryngology – head and neck surgery. Submissions related to all aspects of the field are highly encouraged including those in head and neck surgery and oncology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, laryngology, neurolaryngology, rhinology, skull base surgery, otology, neurotology, sleep medicine and surgery, as well as pediatric and general otolaryngology. Original papers exploring related fields such as allergy and immunology, maxillofacial rehabilitation, audiology, auditory and vestibular neuroscience, vestibular therapy, speech and swallowing disorders, and craniofacial pathology are encouraged. The Journal incorporates a “Priority Publication” section, intended to fast track submissions that highlight advances in the subspecialties outlined above. Selected submissions will be available online within four weeks and printed shortly thereafter. The Journal also includes an “Expert Opinion” section. Experts affiliated with the Journal will review and comment on complicated or rare cases submitted by readers.WJOHNS is intended to be a key resource for clinicians, allied health specialists, and researchers in the fields of otorhinolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery and oncology. To this end, the editorial board consists of renowned specialists from around the world with a broad range of expertise. The Journal is published four times a year by KeAi and includes original clinical manuscripts (retrospective case series, prospective studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses), and novel basic science and translational research studies. All submissions undergo rigorous blinded peer review and, if published, benefit from distribution to an international readership.

中华心力衰竭和心肌病杂志(中<b style='color:red'>英文</b>)
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • ISSN:2096-3076 CN: 10-1460/R
  • 标签: 中华心力衰竭和心肌病杂志(中英文)
  • 简介:中华心力衰竭和心肌病杂志是国家新闻出版广电总局批准 出版的正式学术刊物。本刊由中国科学技术协会主管,中华医学会主办。本刊办刊宗旨是:贯彻党和国家的卫生工作方针政策,贯彻 理论与实践、普及与提高相结合的方针,反映我国心力衰竭 和心肌病学临床、科研工作的重大进展,促进国内外心力衰 竭和心肌病学科的学术交流。本刊以从事心力衰竭和心肌病 预防、医疗、科研工作者为读者对象,报道心力衰竭和心肌 病学领域领先的科研成果,临床心力衰竭和心肌病诊疗经验 ,以及密切结合临床、有临床指导作用的基础理论研究。中华心力衰竭和心肌病杂志编辑委员会由100余位国内著名 的心血管病专家组成,由著名心血管病专家张健教授担任总 编辑,黄峻教授担任名誉总编辑。本刊实行三级审稿、同行 评议的审稿程序。临床病例讨论、病例报告、讲座和综述等 。本刊填补了国内相关期刊领域的空白,实现了我国心力衰 竭和心肌病杂志办刊领域与国际接轨,为心力衰竭和心肌病 先进的临床管理经验及科研成果提供重点推广和展示的平台。本刊目前为季刊,采用纸质出版联合在线预出版和开放获取 (OA)多种出版模式,以提高期刊影响力。本刊主要栏目:述评、指南与共识、专题评论、临床研究、基础研究、流行学与人群防治、国内外学术动态、 临床病例讨论、病例报告、讲座和综述等。