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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractPeriprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is the most difficult complication following total joint arthroplasty. Most of the etiological strains, accounting for over 98% of PJI, are bacterial species, with Staphylococcus aureus and Coagulase-negative staphylococci present in between 50% and 60% of all PJIs. Fungi, though rare, can also cause PJI in 1%—2% of cases and can be challenging to manage. The management of this uncommon but complex condition is challenging due to the absence of a consistent algorithm. Diagnosis of fungal PJI is difficult as isolation of the organisms by traditional culture may take a long time, and some of the culture-negative PJI can be caused by fungal organisms. In recent years, the introduction of next-generation sequencing has provided opportunity for isolation of the infective organisms in culture-negative PJI cases. The suggested treatment is based on consensus and includes operative and non-operative measures. Two-stage revision surgery is the most reliable surgical option for chronic PJI caused by fungi. Pharmacological therapy with antifungal agents is required for a long period of time with antibiotics and included to cover superinfections with bacterial species. The aim of this review article is to report the most up-to-date information on the diagnosis and treatment of fungal PJI with the intention of providing clear guidance to clinicians, researchers and surgeons.

  • 标签: Fungi Periprosthetic joint infection Diagnosis and treatment
  • 简介:摘要:地铁处于地下空间之内,不仅要搭载大量乘客,同时相关设备在前期建造过程中造价昂贵,一旦出现火灾,会造成无法预估的经济损失与社会影响,因此,在地铁运营过程中,需要将火灾预防工作放在第一位置。在这个前提下,气体灭火系统逐渐进入了大家的视野,但在实际应用的过程中,气体灭火系统的误喷现象也日渐突然,误喷的原因也是多种多样,但改进的可行的方案并不多。据此,本文主要针对气体灭火系统的误喷现象进行讨论分析,并提出可行的改进方案。

  • 标签: 地铁 气体灭火系统 误喷 讨论分析 改进方案
  • 简介:摘要:运输问题是线性规划中一类具有典型特征的数学模型,应用十分广泛,主要应用在如何组织产品的运输路线使得运输费用最低。本文研究一类产销不平衡含有转运情况的运输问题,深入分析建立模型,并采用Excel的规划求解功能对此类运输问题进行应用研究,并举例加以说明。

  • 标签: 产销不平衡 运输问题 规划求解