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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractIron is an essential trace element for both humans and bacteria. It plays a vital role in life, such as in redox reactions and electron transport. Strict regulatory mechanisms are necessary to maintain iron homeostasis because both excess and insufficient iron are harmful to life. Competition for iron is a war between humans and bacteria. To grow, reproduce, colonize, and successfully cause infection, pathogens have evolved various mechanisms for iron uptake from humans, principally Fe3+-siderophore and Fe2+-heme transport systems. Humans have many innate immune mechanisms that regulate the distribution of iron and inhibit bacterial iron uptake to help resist bacterial invasion and colonization. Meanwhile, researchers have invented detection test strips and coupled antibiotics with siderophores to create tools that take advantage of this battle for iron, to help eliminate pathogens. In this review, we summarize bacterial and human iron metabolism, competition for iron between humans and bacteria, siderophore sensors, antibiotics coupled with siderophores, and related phenomena. We also discuss how competition for iron can be used for diagnosis and treatment of infection in the future.

  • 标签: Infection Iron metabolism Bacteria Siderophore Antibiotic
  • 简介:摘 要:近年来,随着我国经济建设的快速发展,高层和超高层建筑日益增多,建筑造型也多元化,在高层建筑脚手架施工中多采用附着升降式脚手架。文章结合工程实例主要介绍了爬架在塔式高层建筑中的应用和斜爬的控制以及角部收缩的构造措施。对类似高层和超高层外脚手架施工提供参考和借鉴。

  • 标签: 高层建筑  爬架  斜爬  角部收缩  安全措施 
  • 简介:摘要——承插型盘扣式钢管支撑架指的是立杆采用套管承插连接,水平杆和斜杆采用杆端和接头卡入连接盘,用楔形插销连接,形成结构几何不变体系的钢管支撑架。承插型盘扣式钢管支撑架为建筑施工中带来了诸多便利,具有承载能力更高、安全性更强、整体性更好、安装拆卸方便等优点。本文主要讲述了承插型盘扣式钢管支撑架在高大模板支撑体系中的应用。

  • 标签: ——承插型盘扣式 高大模板 支撑体系