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12 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractAcne scars are caused by inflammatory reactions, infections, and improper handling of acne lesions. Such scars have a high incidence and are difficult to treat. There are many methods currently used to treat acne scars, including medications, photoelectric technology, surgery, filling, chemical peeling, traditional Chinese medicine, biotherapy, and microneedle therapy, and many new methods are constantly emerging. However, there are still many issues, such as the lack of high-quality clinical studies, non-uniform treatment methods, and unsatisfactory therapeutic effects. The selection of appropriate methods for the comprehensive treatment of different types of acne scars at different stages in clinical practice remains challenging and is a research topic of great interest. From the perspective of evidence-based medicine, this consensus aims to provide a reference for the treatment of acne scars in clinical practice.

  • 标签: acne vulgaris cicatrix practice guideline therapy
  • 简介:洛杉矶市中心和百老汇剧院区在20世纪早期发展迅速,聚集了二十世纪三十年代以来最多的宫殿式剧院。随着装饰艺术风潮的涌现,它已成为世界电影制作中心,是好莱坞黄金时代的焦点。如今,随着新一代的崛起,该地区正经历着一场文化的复兴。

  • 标签: 洛杉矶 精品 早期发展 装饰艺术 制作中心 市中心
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  • 简介:挑治百会、大椎、陶道、身柱、神道、灵台、肺俞和三阴交穴,并取肺、胃、内分泌、皮质下、耳神门、面颊为主穴行耳穴贴压,治疗痤疮34例,4个疗程后33例有效,1例无效。

  • 标签: 痤疮 针刺疗法 耳穴贴压 治疗
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This study was performed to estimate the prevalence of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) in China and describe the demographic and clinical features of HS in the Chinese population.Methods:This multicenter clinic-based cross-sectional study was conducted in dermatology clinics within 19 hospitals located in 15 cities/provinces across China from September to October 2020. The prevalence of HS was calculated as the percentage of patients with HS among all visitors at participating clinics during the 1-month study period. HS was independently diagnosed by two certified dermatologists at each site. All visitors at participating clinics were screened, and all patients with HS were invited to participate in a questionnaire survey to elucidate the demographics and clinical features of HS in the Chinese population.Results:We identified 92 patients with HS among 274,742 visitors at participating clinics. The prevalence rate was 0.03349% or 33.49 per 100,000 population (95% confidence interval, 26.64-40.32), and the female:male ratio was 1.0:4.7.Conclusion:The overall prevalence of HS in China was lower than that in Western and other Asian countries with a predominance of male patients.

  • 标签: acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa epidemiology China
  • 简介:AbstractAcne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease that affects the pilosebaceous units, causinfollicular occlusion. The etiology and pathogenesis of acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa involves internal and external factors such as genetic susceptibility, inflammation and immunity, microorganisms, obesity, and smoking. acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa is difficult to treat, and the current aim of treatment is to control the frequency and duration of disease flares and improve the quality of life. Treatment protocols for acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa should be selected based on the disease severity grade. Medical treatments include antibiotics, retinoids, biologics, immunosuppressive agents, and antiandrogen agents. Adjuvant treatments include surgery and laser/light therapies. This consensus aims to further standardize the diagnosis and treatment procedures of acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa in China to facilitate its diagnosis and treatment.

  • 标签: acne inversa consensus diagnosis hidradenitis suppurativa therapy
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Papular scarring of the nose and chin due to acne is an under-reported, under-recognized, and under-treated condition. Ablative carbon dioxide laser therapy (10,600 nm, continuous mode, energy of 15W) under local anesthesia is one of the choice. Here, we report series of patients with papular acne scars successfully treated with ablative carbon dioxide laser.Cases presentation:Five patients with papular scars of the nose and chin due to acne were treated at an outpatient dermatology clinic. All had type V skin according to the Fitzpatrick skin classification. Ablative carbon dioxide laser therapy (10,600 nm, continuous mode, energy of 15 W) was performed under topical anesthesia. The patients were re-examined at 2- to 3-week intervals, and laser treatment was repeated as needed.Discussion:All of the five patients showed encouraging results. Good cosmetic results were achieved in all patients. The drawbacks of treatment were mild to moderate pain during the procedure and the need for post-treatment skin care.Conclusion:Ablative carbon dioxide laser therapy can potentially be used as a safe and effective treatment for papular scars of the nose and chin due to acne.

  • 标签: acne scar papular Scar ablative carbon dioxide laser
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