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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Sexual transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM) is the dominant route of HIV transmission in China. Extensive use of geosocial networking (GSN) smartphone application (app) has dramatically changed the pattern of sexual behaviors and HIV risk among MSM, but data on HIV incidence and the changing risk behaviors of GSN app-using MSM are limited. We aims to assess the HIV incidence and its correlates among gay GSN app-using MSM in China.Methods:We constructed an open cohort which was initiated and maintained using a GSN app to assess the HIV incidence among app-using MSM, recruited from June 2017 to December 2018. MSM completed an online questionnaire on their sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behaviors, recreational drug use and sexually transmitted infections status. Then each man had an HIV test, and those tested negatives were enrolled into the cohort. Participants completed follow-ups with additional HIV tests though the app during the study period, and were censored at HIV seroconversion or study end date. HIV incidence was calculated by dividing the sum of observed HIV seroconversions by the observed person-time. Univariate (Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test) and multivariate (proportional hazards regression) analyses were used to examine correlates of HIV incidence.Results:A total of 6957 HIV negative MSM were enrolled in the open cohort, 37 seroconversions occurred among 1937 men contributing 1065 observed person-years: HIV incidence was 3.47 per 100 person-years [95% confidence interval (CI): 2.37-4.57]. More than five sexual partners [hazard ratio (HR) = 2.65, 95% CI: 1.04-6.67], and sex with HIV positive partners (HR = 3.82, 95% CI: 1.16-12.64) in the preceding six months were positively associated with HIV seroconversion. Consistent condom use for anal sex (HR = 0.27, 95% CI: 0.07-0.96), and reporting insertive anal sex only (HR = 0.23, 95% CI: 0.08-0.62) in the preceding six months were protective factors for HIV seroconversion.Conclusions:Tailored interventions targeting app-using MSM are urgently needed given their high risk of HIV. As a new tool for accessing MSM at higher HIV risk, GSN smartphone app could play an important role in HIV research among MSM.

  • 标签: Men who have sex with men Geosocial networking application HIV Incidence Sexual risk behavior
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:The triage and initial care of injured patients and a subsequent right level of care is paramount for an overall outcome after traumatic injury. Early recognition of patients is an important case of such decision-making with risk of worse prognosis. This article is to answer if clinical and paraclinical signs can predict the critical conditions of injured patients after traumatic injury resuscitation.Methods:The study included 1107 trauma patients, 16 years and older. The patients were trauma victims of Levels I and II triage and admitted to the Rajaee (Emtiaz) Trauma Hospital, Shiraz, in 2014-2015. The cross-industry process for data mining methodology and modeling was used for assessing the best early clinical and paraclinical variables to predict the patients' prognosis. Five modeling methods including the support vector machine, K-nearest neighbor algorithms, Bagging and Adaboost, and the neural network were compared by some evaluation criteria.Results:Learning algorithms can predict the deterioration of injured patients by monitoring the Bagging and SVM models with 99% accuracy. The most-fitted variables were Glasgow Coma Scale score, base deficit, and diastolic blood pressure especially after initial resuscitation in the algorithms for overall outcome predictions.Conclusion:Data mining could help in triage, initial treatment, and further decision-making for outcome measures in trauma patients. Clinical and paraclinical variables after resuscitation could predict short-term outcomes much better than variables on arrival. With artificial intelligence modeling system, diastolic blood pressure after resuscitation has a greater association with predicting early mortality rather than systolic blood pressure after resuscitation. Artificial intelligence monitoring may have a role in trauma care and should be further investigated.

  • 标签: Traumatic injuries Data mining Artificial Intelligence
  • 简介:摘要:中职英语课程是学生最易受外来思想和文化影响的课程,是实施“课程思政”的理想学科。本研究探讨如何将语言知识的传授和技能的培养与德育教育相结合,深挖“理想信念教育”素材和契合点,通过英语教学活动把“理想信念教育”融入中职英语教学,充分发挥英语课程的育人功能,引导学生确立立足岗位、奉献社会的梦想,培养自觉践行社会主义核心价值观的高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。

  • 标签: 中职英语 英语教学 课程思政 教学案例
  • 简介:摘要:单元整体教学是实现立德树人的有效途径,单元主题的选择是单元整体教学的首要环节,本文以八年级上册本文从课程标准、教材内容、语言目标和学生最近发展区五个方面来详细阐述初中英语学科单元主题的选择策略。

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