The Story Of Silent Night (Stille Nacht)

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摘要 his organist and asked if he could compose some music for the words before that evening's service. Gruuber set about the task quickly and in a couple of hours had finished - just in time to rehearse with the choir before the service. Mohr sang tenor,Austria was worried - in 24 hours he was supposed to lead a Christmas Eve service,Gruuber sang bass and the service went off beautifully.The song gradually became known throughout Europe and in 1834 the Strasser family performed it for the King of Prussia
作者 admin
机构地区 不详
出处 《未知》 未知
出版日期 2009年08月21日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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